Top places to enjoy jazz in Kiev

In Kiev almost everything is related to art in its different manifestations. Ancient paintings and street art, classical and modern alternative theaters, philharmonic concerts, rock'n'roll and, of course, jazz.
In Kiev almost everything is related to art in its different manifestations. Ancient paintings and street art, classical and modern alternative theaters, philharmonic concerts, rock'n'roll and, of course, jazz.
The Ukrainian jazz scene lacks advertising, and we have a lot of wonderful performers! Jazz in Kiev is represented by the charming Natalia Lebedeva, Valentin Kornienko, Sergei Ovsyanikov, Denis Dudko, and other jazzmen.
Jazz has always been a special music, and even a lifestyle, to which it is impossible to remain indifferent. offer to get acquainted with the best institutions in Kiev, which will please you with music in the style of jazz.
House of Education and Culture "Master Class"

We are sure that the modern resource of Ukraine is first of all its creative potential. The House of Education and Culture "Master Class" is a unique Ukrainian company whose mission is to create prerequisites for the development of an open intellectual and creative space in Ukraine.
It is here that high-quality music is played by the leading jazz musicians of Ukraine. Here you can hear everything you want-from classic jazz to stormy jam sessions. If you are a true jazz lover, be sure to visit this place!
Restaurant "Panorama"
The restaurant, whose motto is "Jazz, Wine & Cigars", has a unique atmosphere of musical luxury. Here you can hear world masterpieces of jazz, light soul, blues improvisation. In the evenings (usually on Thursdays and Fridays) the best jazz musicians of the capital of Ukraine play in the restaurant.
The restaurant "Panorama" in Kiev has something to be proud of: it is often visited by world-class performers. There were Austrian new jazz virtuoso Louis Austin, guitar guru Enver Izmaylov, Italian Boris Savolldelli, doing miracles with his voice, the first lady of Ukrainian jazz Tatyana Boeva, world-famous pianist Vladimir Solyanik and many others.
Caribbean Club
For all of its existence, the club, which began as a restaurant of Cuban cuisine, has experienced several changes of format and completely changed its appearance. Now the Caribbean Club in Kiev is well-known to everyone: from fans of jazz to fans of theater and young music. Well, of course, it should be noted that this club is one of the best clubs in Kiev, and very much loved by both local and our dear foreigners.
Coffee jazz bar

Coffee jazz bar is a very friendly place in Kiev, where you want to come back again and again, just to take a break from the bustle of the big city. Usually on Thursdays and Fridays people gather here to listen to live jazz from the best local musicians.
Blues Bar

The music club is located in the historical center of the city, in the building of the last century, it preserves the spirit of old Kiev.
The main advantage of the bar is live music 7 days a week! From 20:00 there are incendiary concerts: blues, jazz, rock, covers of popular hits and much more. The menu offers European and Ukrainian dishes at attractive prices.